5 ways an overachiever can stay productive without driving their team crazy!

Oct 19, 2024

You’re the ambitious go-getter who sets the bar high and delivers great results, but here’s the truth my friend, sometimes, without intending to or even realizing it, you might be turning up the heat on your team just a tad bit too much, 

Being an overachiever can feel like both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, your drive and commitment to excellence are what set you apart. 

On the other, that same relentless pursuit of success can put pressure on your team, leaving them feeling overwhelmed or underappreciated.

If you’re an overachiever, you’ve probably wondered how you can continue pushing yourself to greatness without pushing your team to the brink. 

Let’s look at  five strategies to help you strike the perfect balance between ambition and leadership without leaving a trail of stressed out, burnt-out team members behind you. 

1. Lead by example: Your work habits speak louder than you think

As an overachiever, you’re probably the first one in the office and the last to leave. You might power through lunch, sending emails late into the night. 

To you, it’s normal, it’s just how you roll.

But guess what? Your team is watching and you’re sending silent expectations to them.

Standards that they need to keep up or risk falling behind and being seen as incompetent.  

Your work habits set the tone for your team, and if they see you working around the clock, they’ll feel pressure to do the same. 

To avoid having your team thinking they need to be workaholics with no life in order to be successful, show them what balance looks like. 

If you can’t quite shake the habit of working late, or if you’re an early riser and you love to start out your day by cleaning out your inbox, you still can! 

Just  use a tool like Gmail’s schedule send  function and schedule your emails to be sent during normal working hours so your team doesn’t feel like they are already behind when they start their day.

2. Recognize Progress, Not Perfection - Seriously!

Listen, I know you’re wired for perfection. Heck, you thrive on it. 

But your team? They don’t. 

Perfection is the enemy of progress

A project that gets done at 80% is better than one that’s never finished because it had to be perfect.

Being a leader who is constantly pushing for 100% perfection can be exhausting to your team and everyone around you. 

The unrealistic desire for everything to be flawless can demoralize them and make them feel defeated which can ultimately lead to turnover. 

Instead of wearing everyone out, start celebrating the little wins. 

Highlight the moments when your team moves the needle, even if the result isn’t perfect or not quite there yet. 

Instead of focusing on getting every single detail exactly right, start recognizing and celebrating the progress your team is making along the way.

When you shift your mindset and expectations from perfection to progress you’ll see a more motivated team that’s more willing to innovate, experiment, and deliver results..

Don’t forget to recognize individual contributions as well as global team accomplishments.

Be as specific as possible. 

For example: Jennifer, thank you for sharing your ideas on how we can reduce costs by changing our supplier. Your idea made a significant impact on our bottom line and increased our profitability by 20%! 

Learn more about the dangers of perfectionism in leadership

3. Set realistic goals - even if you love to aim high!

Overachiever and big bold goals go together like Batman and Robin. 

I get you, I know you love to aim high, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

Hey, big bold goals lead to big bold results right? 

But here’s where things can go south. 

Sure, setting dreamy stretch goals might fire you up, but it can also be a morale crusher and leave your team feeling like nothing they do is ever good enough.

Instead try breaking down those sky-high goals into smaller, achievable milestones. 

This way, your team gets to experience little victories along the way, which keeps their spirits high and their eyes on the prize.

Also, be clear with your team about what’s negotiable and what’s non-negotiable when it comes to deadlines and quality. 

Pro Tip: Use SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) to keep your team focused and motivated without overwhelming them.

4. Not everything is urgent - so stop treating it like it is!

One of the most frustrating habits of an overachiever to their team is treating everything as urgent and important. 

This creates unnecessary pressure and chaos, leading your team to scramble to get tasks done that may not even need immediate attention.

Here’s a reality check: not everything is a fire drill.

Take the time to prioritize your tasks and projects. 

The next time something feels pressing, ask yourself: is it really urgent and really important? 

A good tool to use is the Eisenhower Matrix, it can help you (and your team) prioritize and breathe easier. 

Trust me, not every email needs to be answered right now!

5. Trust: Don’t Micromanage: Let go (just a little) 

I just love my boss, they micromanage me and constantly check in and follow up with me to see if I’ve completed my work yet.” Said NO. ONE. EVER! 

I get it, as an overachiever, it can be difficult to let go of control. After all, you’ve built your success by being hands-on and involved in every detail. 

But here’s the harsh truth: micromanaging will drive your team crazy.

When you constantly hover over your team, checking their every move, you’re not helping them grow. In fact, you’re stifling creativity, showing them that you don’t  trust them, and making them less productive.

Instead of micromanaging, learn to trust your team. Provide them with the necessary resources and guidance, and then step back. 

You hired them for a reason. Now it’s time to get out of their way and trust that they’ll get the job done. 

It’s okay to check in from time to time to make sure that everything is on track and ask what support they may need to get everything completed on time. 

It’s all about finding that sweet spot between trust and accountability.

Quick Tip: Use a project management tool like Trello or Asana to keep track of tasks and progress. You get visibility, they get breathing room, win-win! .

Ready to Find Balance and Lead With Confidence? Book a Free Call!

You weren’t put on this earth to burn out. You were put here to lead, inspire, and accomplish great things—but you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re ready to stay driven, productive and successful without driving others (and yourself) crazy, let’s chat.

As your coach, I can help you find the balance between your ambition and your well-being. Together, we’ll build strategies that keep you productive without overwhelming your team or exhausting yourself.

 Book a free discovery call  today, and let’s start making your success sustainable—for both you and everyone you lead.


Overwhelm doesn’t have to be your constant companion at work. By auditing your tasks, setting boundaries (tech ones included!), embracing delegation, and getting crystal clear on your priorities, you can stop feeling like you’re constantly playing catch-up. You’ve got this!

Need a little help getting started?

Book a discovery call with me today, and let’s figure out how we can get you from overwhelmed to in control. Just click here to schedule your call



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