10 Things You Can Do When You Feel Overwhelmed at Work

burnout syndrome Sep 05, 2024
 overwhelmed at work

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like you’re juggling so many balls at once that one is bound to hit the ground at any moment. (Yep, that’s me raising my hand over here too!)

Between endless to-do lists, deadlines creeping up, and the constant "ping" of notifications demanding your attention, it's easy to feel overwhelmed at work, like you're constantly putting out fires rather than making progress and actually getting things done.

What’s really keeping you so busy?

Eeeeveryyyone seems to be busy these days, in fact busyness has become a strange societal badge of honor.

When your Sister calls to ask you to meet her for lunch and you can’t because you’re too “busy.”

Or when you call to check on your friend because you haven’t heard from her in a while and her response is always the same “I’ve just been so busy”.

“I’m busy” has become so commonplace and accepted as an excuse that we almost don’t even hear ourselves saying it anymore.


Are you overwhelmed at work constantly or just sometimes? Is busyness taking over?


Let’s get real for a minute: feeling way too busy and overwhelmed every now and then? Totally normal. But living in a constant state of busyness and overwhelm? Not only is it exhausting, but it can eventually lead to burnout crash and burn your career, your relationships, and your overall happiness.

Okay my friend, here’s a little tough love: If you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed at work, there’s a pretty good chance you’re doing this to yourself. 🙃 I know, I know, you’re reading this and probably thinking, but Angela, I have so much to do, so many people who are counting on me, there’s no way I’ll ever catch up!

Trust me, I get it! In my corporate job, I was constantly juggling the needs of my team, the company, my boss and trying to keep up with the demands that came along with the daily grind. There were days when I felt a lot more like a Firefighter than a leader and every day there would be new fires waiting for me.

Overcommitting to tasks you don’t actually have time for is one of the top reasons high achievers end up feeling overwhelmed and burned out.  But don’t worry—I’ve got you covered with ten practical things you can do when you're feeling overwhelmed at work, starting with one you probably haven’t thought about...


10 Things You Can Do To Calm The Chaos And stop being overwhelmed at work

1. Audit Your To-Do List:

Set Realistic Goals. First things first, let’s declutter that to-do list. How many of those tasks are truly essential, and how many are just clutter weighing you down? Think of your to-do list as your calendar’s BFF—only invite the tasks that add real value. Drop the non-essentials like that pickleball game if it’s stressing you out. By setting realistic goals your sanity, will thank you!

  • Pro Tip: Try labeling each task as “urgent,” “important,” “delegate” or “can wait.” This helps clear the fog so you can focus on what really matters.

2. Stop Feeling Guilty for Saying No

Here’s a little truth bomb: Saying “no” isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. You cannot be everything to everyone. If you find yourself overcommitting because you’re afraid to disappoint someone, it will only leave you feeling overwhelmed. Drop the guilt blanket and practice the art of saying no to things that don’t align with your priorities.

  •  Pro Tip: The next time you’re about to say “yes” out of guilt, pause and refer to pro tip #1 and ask yourself, “Is this something that is truly urgent, important or can I delegate it? Or will it just add to my overwhelm?”

3. Set Tech Boundaries to Protect Your Sanity

If some days have you feeling like Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaways’ character in The Devil Wears Prada), with your cell phone permanently attached to your hand, it’s time to put some work boundaries in place and set some screen time limits. Those constant “pings” “bings” and “rings” of notifications can make you feel like you’re on call 24/7. Set guidelines for yourself (and yes, even your team and boss) about reasonable response times, especially after work hours. Trust me, your inbox will still be there tomorrow.

  • Pro Tip: Try setting specific times to check emails—maybe 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.—and mute notifications the rest of the time. Set out of office replies that let’s people know when you will return, who the point of contact is in the meantime, and any guidance for if it’s truly urgent.

4. Perfection is Overrated: Done is Better Than Perfect

High achievers and overachievers go hand in hand. You pride yourself on dotting every I and crossing every T, but here’s the truth my friend, If you’re waiting for every single detail to be flawless, you’ll never finish anything. Overwhelm creeps in when we try to do everything perfectly. Instead, embrace the motto, “Done is better than perfect.” Get things done well but know when it’s time to let go and move on.

  • Pro Tip: Give yourself a deadline for even the smallest tasks to avoid going down the perfectionist rabbit hole. Remember we’re looking for progress, not perfection!

5. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate: Share the Load

You don’t have to do it all alone. Delegating tasks can free up your time and reduce work overwhelm. Whether it’s asking a colleague for help or outsourcing a task, sharing the load can make a huge difference. As an added bonus, you are also showing your team that you trust them and you’re also helping them with their personal development at the same time, win win!!

  • Pro Tip: Make a list of tasks that must be done by you, and then everything else? Hand it off. You’ll thank me later.

6. One Thing at a Time: Focus Your Energy

Multitasking might seem like a badge of honor, but it’s actually a productivity pitfall. Focus on one task at a time to boost efficiency and reduce stress. You’ll find that single-tasking not only gets things done faster but also with better quality.

  • Pro Tip: Use a timer to work in focused intervals—say 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break. This method (known as the Pomodoro Technique) helps maintain focus and reduces overwhelm at work.

7. Batching Tasks: Group Similar Tasks Together for Maximum Efficiency

One of my favorite tricks to feel less overwhelmed is batching. Instead of hopping between a million different types of tasks, group similar ones together. For example, designate one hour for emails and then move on to your next focus area. This helps keep your brain from constantly switching gears (which, hello, is exhausting).

  • Pro Tip: Try theme days—like “meeting Mondays” or “content creation Tuesdays”—to stay on track.

8. Communicate Clearly: Say What Needs to Be Said

Overwhelm often comes from miscommunication, whether with coworkers or clients. Be clear about your capacity and deadlines, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Setting clear expectations can prevent a lot of stress down the road.

  • Pro Tip: Don’t assume people know your workload. Keep communication open and honest to avoid any misunderstandings.

9. Get Organized: Declutter Your Space and Mind

A cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind. Spend a few minutes each day tidying up your desk and organizing your thoughts. An organized environment can help you feel more in control and less stressed. Plus, who doesn’t love a clean workspace?

  • Pro Tip: At the end of each day, take 10 minutes to tidy up your desk. You’ll start the next day with a clear mind and a clean slate.

10. Practice Mindfulness: Because Let’s Be Honest, We All Need a Breather

Mindfulness doesn’t have to mean a 45-minute meditation session (although, hey, that’s great too!). A few deep breaths throughout the day can work wonders in calming that racing mind. It’s all about being present, even if just for a moment, to help you refocus.

  • Pro Tip: Set a timer to remind yourself to pause, breathe, and just be—especially on those hectic days. If your workspace can accommodate it, play some soft focus music, light your favorite scented candle, have a cup of hot tea whatever helps you to calm the mental chaos and recenter yourself so that you’re ready to tackle the rest of the day!


“You don’t need more time; you just need to spend less of it on things that don’t serve you.” – Anonymous

Overwhelm doesn’t have to be your constant companion at work. By auditing your tasks, setting boundaries (tech ones included!), embracing delegation, and getting crystal clear on your priorities, you can stop feeling like you’re constantly playing catch-up. You’ve got this!

Need a little help getting started?

Book a discovery call with me today, and let’s figure out how we can get you from overwhelmed to in control. Just click here to schedule your call



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